14. okt. 2018
5 Myths about Natural Birth Control
When speaking about Fertility Awareness, I often meet a few common misconceptions - about how the method works and whether or not it is...
7 visninger

14. okt. 2018
5 Myths about Natural Birth Control
When speaking about Fertility Awareness, I often meet a few common misconceptions - about how the method works and whether or not it is...
7 visninger

3. sep. 2018
Menstruation - why it does not have to be a curse
I used to have so heavy cramps that I dreaded my menstruation. My monthly bleed meant two days of being bed-bound, in cold-sweating...
350 visninger

2. sep. 2018
Menstruation - why it does not have to be a curse
I used to have so heavy cramps that I dreaded my menstruation. My monthly bleed meant two days of being bed-bound, in cold-sweating...
3 visninger

2. sep. 2018
Menstruation - why it does not have to be a curse
I used to have so heavy cramps that I dreaded my menstruation. My monthly bleed meant two days of being bed-bound, in cold-sweating...
7 visninger

1. juni 2018
5 possible causes (and solutions) to PMS
When I started charting my menstrual cycles 9 years ago, one of the biggest revelations I got was that the "crazy times" that I regularly...
338 visninger

31. mai 2018
5 possible causes (and solutions) to PMS
When I started charting my menstrual cycles 9 years ago, one of the biggest revelations I got was that the "crazy times" that I regularly...
14 visninger

31. mai 2018
5 possible causes (and solutions) to PMS
When I started charting my menstrual cycles 9 years ago, one of the biggest revelations I got was that the "crazy times" that I regularly...
6 visninger

4. mai 2018
5 things you probably want to know about hormonal contraception
As a Fertility Awareness Educator I am dedicated to providing women (and other menstruators) with high quality information about the...
229 visninger

3. mai 2018
5 things you probably want to know about hormonal contraception
As a Fertility Awareness Educator I am dedicated to providing women (and other menstruators) with high quality information about the...
8 visninger